
Currently I am teaching as a lecturer at the TU Brunswick - GTAS by Prof. Dr. Tatjana Schneider. In the last years teaching became a methodological ground for an performative understanding of counter mapping. Questions of critical-engaged Data research and the use of techniques of embodied practices and presentations are essential parameters of testing the field.
Teaching-Research Blog:
Teaching at: TU Berlin, TU Braunschweig, ASH Berlin (Dr.habil Holger Braun)
Workshops: Kosice (spolka collective), Transformation Design TU Brunswick, stadtvonunten (young neighbors and the Dragoner Areal)
Lectures: RWTH Aachen (Prof. Axel Sowa), Lund University Sweden (Jesús Mateo), Politecnico di Milano (Prof.Dr. Gennaro Posiglione), HBK Brunswick (Prof.Dr. Saskia Hebert), Tu Berlin (FG van Rijs)
photos at Summer School Kosice, gtas Braunschweig (Being with Wendland), ASH Berlin (Haut von Hellersdorf), TU Berlin (Rupenhorn)